Though the venue changed by a few miles from Lake Mercer to Lake Carnegie, the competition for the 2007 Johnson Cup between Yale and the US Naval Academy remained as fierce as ever. Navy took three races, the 1V, the 1F and the 3V, while Yale won the 2V and the 2F races. In the Johnson Cup race between the varsities, Navy took an early lead on Yale and moved away to their final margin of 2 seconds around the 1000 meter mark, and Yale was unable to make an impression in the second thousand. The 2V race saw a Navy lead of about 7 seats evaporate in the second thousand, with the Elis rowing through for the 1.7 second win. The 1F race was the closest of the day, and again Navy took an early lead of about a length before Yale made a strong bid for the win in the last 500, coming on 0.6 seconds short when the flag dropped. The 2F claimed their race leading from start to finish, and the Navy 3V did the same in their race. For full results, click here.